Here we provide details of upcoming and past UNIVERSE-HPC project events.

You can find details of our monthly Byte-sized RSE sessions on the separate Byte-sized RSE page.

These are the External Events we have been participating in.

Upcoming UNIVERSE-HPC events

No upcoming events: We currently have no planned events. We'll be running more events in the coming months so check back again soon to see what's coming up.

Past UNIVERSE-HPC events

UNIVERSE-HPC Course Materials Hackathon

Location: Oxford and Online

Date: Friday 12 July 2024, 10:00-16:30 BST


In this follow-up Hackathon, we’ll continue enhance the training materials we have developed, with a focus on infrastructure and pedagogy. This will be a great opportunity to network with people interested in training for RSEs, contribute to training materials and learn about Gutenberg, a new training platform!
Event code of conduct

Photo by Dom Fou on Unsplash

Navigating the Challenges and Successes of Delivering Training at a University

Speaker: Philippa Broadbent, Research Software Engineer, Southampton Research Software Group, University of Southampton

Location: Online

Date: Friday 5 July 2024, 14:00-15:00 BST


For our third UNIVERSE-HPC project seminar, we’re pleased to welcome Philippa Broadbent, Research Software Engineer in the Southampton Research Software Group, who will talk to us about the opportunities and challenges in providing training on computational research skills in a university setting. Philippa will walk us through the timeline of training provision at the Southampton Research Software Group, highlighting the challenges faced at various steps and the solutions implemented to address them. The talk will be followed by a discussion with the audience.
Event code of conduct

Photo (c) ISC Event Photos on Flickr. Used as per guidelines.

ISC24 BoF Session: Developing a Sustainable Future for HPC and RSE Skills: Training Pathways and Structures

Location: ISC HPC 2024 Conference, Hamburg, Germany

Date: Wednesday 15 May 2024, 10:05-11:05 CEST


This 1-hour BoF session, Developing a Sustainable Future for HPC and RSE Skills: Training Pathways and Structures, was run during the 2024 ISC-HPC conference in Hamburg, Germany by two members of the UNIVERSE-HPC project team. The session was proposed and developed by a wider group of 6 international collaborators to look at how we build training pathways and structures to effectively support technical professionals.

As part of the session, a pen-and-paper exercise was undertaken using a sheet containing a skills space based on the HPC Certification Forum’s skill tree. Attendees were invited to use this exercise sheet to illustrate a learning pathway of their choice.

UNIVERSE-HPC Course Materials Mini Hackathon

Location: Oxford and Online

Date: Friday 26 April 2024, 10:00-16:30 BST


In this one-day Hackathon, we’re inviting you to help us enhance the training materials we’ve been developing over the last couple of years. This will be a great opportunity to network with people interested in training for RSEs, contribute to training materials and learn about Gutenberg, a new training platform!
Event code of conduct

Widening participation in education - what can we learn post-pandemic?

Speaker: Mishka Nemes, Skills and Training Manager, The Alan Turing Institute

Location: Online

Date: Thursday 29 February 2024, 15:00-16:00 GMT


For our second UNIVERSE-HPC project seminar, we’re pleased to welcome Mishka Nemes, Skills and Training Manager at The Alan Turing Institute, who will talk to us about widening participation in education and what can we learn post-pandemic. Mishka will look at some educational examples where different programmes have changed tack post-pandemic, enabling more people to access learning opportunities on data science and AI. The talk will be followed by some time for online discussion and networking.
Event code of conduct

Structure and Delivery Format for Online HPC Courses

Speaker: Dr David Henty, EPCC, University of Edinburgh

Location: EPCC, University of Edinburgh and online

Date: Monday 9 October 2023, 11:30-13:00 BST


In our first UNIVERSE-HPC project seminar, Dr David Henty from EPCC, University of Edinburgh will discuss the pros and cons of a variety of formats for course delivery that EPCC has used for online training before, during and after the pandemic. Join us in-person at the University of Edinburgh or online for this hybrid seminar.