UNIVERSE-HPC Project Seminar Series
Structure and delivery format for Online HPC courses
Join us for the first UNIVERSE-HPC seminar on Monday 9th October 2023 at 11:30am. This is a hybrid event and you can join us online or in person at The Bayes Centre, University of Edinburgh.
Registration Closed
With the rapid move to widescale use of online training kickstarted by the COVID pandemic, there has been a lot of discussion about the best technologies to use for the delivery of lectures and practicals for remote courses, but surprisingly little discussion about the high-level structure such as timetabling. In this talk, Dr David Henty will discuss the pros and cons of a variety of formats that EPCC has used for online training before, during and after the pandemic.
- Welcome & Introduction by UNIVERSE-HPC PI, Neil Chue Hong: 11:30am - 11:45am
- Main talk by David Henty: 11:45am - 12:45pm
- Q&A: 12:45 - 1:00pm
- Lunch at Main Atrium: 1pm - 2pm
Registration deadline for in-person attendance: Sunday 8th October 2023
Please read our event code of conduct policy here: https://www.software.ac.uk/programmes-and-events/code-conduct
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