UNIVERSE-HPC Project Seminar Series
Widening participation in education - what can we learn post-pandemic?
Join us for the next UNIVERSE-HPC seminar on Thursday 29 February at 15:00 GMT, which will take place online.
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- 🕒 Thursday 29th February 2024, 15:00 - 16:00 GMT
- 🌍 Online via Zoom
- 🗣️ Mishka Nemes, Skills and Training Manager at The Alan Turing Institute.
This talk will walk you through a series of educational examples where programmes such as summer schools, live workshops, term-long courses, longitudinal programmes and others, have changed tack post-pandemic, enabling more people to access learning opportunities on data science and AI. These examples will provide a starting point for open discussion with educators in the audience, aiming to share good practice and to draw inspiration from existing efforts to widen participation in education.
Speaker bio: Mishka works at the intersection between AI, Skills and Education. She is interested in Responsible AI practices, deep-tech innovation within AI, as well in building human-centred open access products with the user communities at the very core. Mishka has a background in computational neuroscience & genetics and is most keen to bridge the gap & build connections between her interests and areas of expertise mentioned here.
Please read our event privacy notice.
Code of conduct: This event takes place under our Code of Conduct.
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